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A Smart Home Gives Alzheimer's Independence

Independence is one of the most important experiences you can give to your loved one with Dementia. An Alzheimer’s diagnosis is news that nobody wants to receive, but it could happen to anyone we care about; it’s especially tough when they are our own family. Living with Alzheimer’s disease presents unique challenges for both individuals and their caregivers. Our goal at Alzheimer’s Independence is to provide a reliable solution of autonomy and independence for your loved one.

Advancements in technology, proven case studies, and testimonials from our past clients offer support why this works:

TOP 5 reasons to have a Smart Home

  1. Daily routines,

  2. Enhanced safety,

  3. Discreet Monitoring.

  4. Assisted Wayfinding.

  5. Social Connection and Entertainment.   


We will explore the profound benefits that a smart home can provide for individuals with Alzheimer’s, empowering them with increased autonomy and improved quality of life, all while staying at home in a familiar environment.

Reminders and Assistance with Daily Routines.

One of the most challenging parts of daily life for Dementia patients is remembering important tasks and appointments. The Smart Homes that we design here at Alzheimer’s Independence offer valuable assistance by providing automated reminders and alerts using voice-activated systems from Google, including in-wall or portable, table-top smart speakers which become your loved one’s virtual assistant.

We program them to provide gentle reminders for medication schedules, mealtimes, and important events. These reminders can help individuals maintain a sense of structure, independence, and reduce the frequent reliance on caregivers. We also implement TV screens around the house. These provide your loved one with interactive calendars and digital whiteboards, which can display daily activities and routines in a clear visual package. For example; when you are at the airport, you look up and see what time the plane is scheduled to leave. This type of convenience in the home gives your loved one confidence in their routine.

Home Safety and Security.

Wandering is a huge concern for individuals with Alzheimer’s, as it poses potential risks and safety issues. Our smart home technology provides a bulletproof level of security to mitigate these risks. Motion sensors and door/window sensors are installed throughout the house, triggering alerts to caregivers on their smartphones when unexpected movements or attempts to exit occur.

We utilize smart door locks from different manufacturers (which integrate with Bluetooth and the Google Home app) to restrict access to certain areas or provide controlled entry. This ensures the individual’s safety while preserving their freedom to move within the home.

Discreet Assistive Monitoring and Support.

Our Smart Home Technology assists in monitoring the well-being and overall health of your loved one with Alzheimer’s. Wearable devices, such as smart tags, pendants, and wrist bands are worn, and are fashionably-designed accessories. This technology can also be integrated into their existing accessories! This is yet another development in technology that re-affirms that they are still independent. 

Their other function is to track vital signs and movements, providing caregivers with real-time updates. Integration with health monitoring systems such as an Apple Watch or Fit Bit can alert caregivers to changes in sleep patterns, activity levels, blood pressure monitoring or potential health emergencies, enabling timely intervention and support. We have a variety in our arsenal to fit every circumstance.

Continuous monitoring is crucial for individuals with Alzheimer’s, particularly in cases where you and the caregiver need a break, and want to leave your loved one alone for a while. Our Smart home systems are integrated with motion sensors, aforementioned wearable devices, and surveillance cameras to provide real-time monitoring. All this is done discreetly, blending in with a favorite painting, teddy bear, or vintage radio on the shelf. This way, paranoia does not set in, which is a common discomfort. You and the caregivers can remotely access live feeds and receive notifications regarding unusual activities or emergencies.

Assisted Wayfinding and Navigation.

Social Connection and Entertainment.

Alzheimer’s often affects spatial orientation and can cause confusion, making it challenging for individuals to navigate their homes. Our integrated Smart Home Technology can assist with wayfinding through voice-guided directions and visual cues. Of course, this feature can be used remotely by yourself, or by the caregiver on duty. This way, a familiar voice is always there to assure your loved one they are not alone.


Our smart lighting systems from Lutron or Leviton are programmed to guide individuals through the house, illuminating the path to key areas, such as the bathroom or bedroom, during nighttime hours. All of this is integrated with discreet motion sensors. This helps reduce disorientation and improves safety by preventing accidental falls.

Isolation and loneliness can exacerbate the challenges faced by individuals with Alzheimer’s. Our Smart Homes help combat these issues by promoting social connection and streamlining entertainment options. Our video calling features enable easy communication with family and friends, fostering meaningful connections. Utilizing Spotify, Pandora, or other streaming services throughout the entire home space is a massive game changer in the care of your loved one. We can personalize music playlists and use voice-controlled entertainment systems to offer moments of joy and relaxation, contributing to emotional well-being.


Studies have shown that music, paired with dancing, is the greatest way to remind our loved ones of the best times in their lives, even if it’s just for a few hours. In addition, dancing provides memory stimulation. To put it simply, why not dance with your loved ones? You just might learn a thing or two that you never knew about them from the past. We believe those moments of legacy are truly priceless.